Social Distancing Measures
• In both the classroom and field, instructors must enforce and maintain a 6-foot distance among students and team members
• All students must be sat one per 6-foot table during both classroom instruction and written examinations
• Refrain from shaking hands, giving high-fives, elbow bumps, or touching
Screening Procedures
• All students and team members are to be screened for temperatures prior to our class beginning. Anyone with a 100.5 degree reading or higher, must leave and be rescheduled
• All students are to be screened for COVID related symptoms which will be conducted prior to their arrival
• All team members are to be screened for symptoms which will be completed daily and prior to class beginning
• Classes are limited to essential personnel only
• Masks, eyewear, and gloves will be provided to all instructors to use at each class. Instructors are required to wear and/or utilize this PPE at all times. Students are required to wear a mask at all times.
• Placed surface disinfectant and hand cleaning products are to be used consistently in the classroom and field, especially between uses. This includes tablets, seats, desks, crane controls, and any other commonly used surface
• Instructors strongly encourage students to take frequent hand-washing breaks throughout the duration of the class as well as taking hand washing breaks themselves