“This instruction provides guidelines for enforcement procedures and inspection guidance conducted for equipment covered by Subpart CC.”

The “Compliance Directive” is a condensed version of Osha’s Final Rule that includes supplemental diagrams to help readers understand various pieces of the safety instructions. The document is not intended as a replacement to the Final Rule, but just as an assisted piece of material due to the great complexity of the Final Rule.

This is explaned in Executive Summary as follows:

“The crane standard that the new rule replaced, 29 CFR 1926.550, contained general safety requirements in its regulatory text and incorporated by reference numerous equipment-specific requirements of several consensus standards. The organization of the new crane standard is complex because the majority of the equipment-specific requirements that were once incorporated from other documents are now explicit requirements in the regulatory text, minimizing the employer’s need to reference other documents for those requirements. This directive provides supplemental guidance regarding the enforcement of the new crane standard.”


In the directive there is a 19 point condensed inspection checklist (p. 2-4) while also providing a chart displaying what is covered and not covered in the flowchart below. In addition, there are other supplemental flowcharts provided in the directive that help create visual breakdowns for managing personnel.

Equipment Inspection

Equipment Inspection Covered vs Not Covered Chart

Operator-in-training Violation

Operator In Training Compliance Violation Flowchart

Operator Certification/Licensing

Crane Operator Certification/Licensing

Crane Operator Evaluation

Crane Operator Evaluation